Monday, February 14, 2011

Scarred, Glacial, Anxious: Snow, Glass, Apples

sorry I didn't do this yesterday! (I blame Black Swan)

"I had been frozen by her, owned and dominated. That scared me, more than the blood she had fed on." (327)

I think I was initially attracted to this passage because I read "scared" as "scarred," which, given the theme of scarring throughout the text, seemed to me to make more sense- the physical scar emerges from the wound, and an emotional scar perhaps from the experience. But where do her feelings of what she calls "freezing," and of ownership and domination come from? There's an obvious association with-- (here it stops, thought would love to tell you where I was going with that)

I think what freaks me out/draws me to this passage is the fat that she was not even remotely disturbed (or seemed to be) by the fact that the daughter SUCKED HER BLOOD. And I also wonder where those emotions of "freezing" and being dominated come from? Is it fear? But I agree with the fact that reading the passage with "scarred" instead of "scared" gives it a whole different meaning.

How does a 5-year old girl dominate you?! Seriously? Yes, I get the psychological aspect but she should really have been able to fend her off. But then we may ask, "did she want to?' Is this the opportunity to blame her as she did after this for so long? It's disturbing that someone so small can be so controlling (at least somewhat) but that is the tool her stepmother seemed to use against her.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I don't know how to add a post so i am going to type mine as a comment and someone can help me in class tomorrow!!!

    "He took all he wanted from me, the right of kings"

    This evokes the thought for me of the power of a man, a king over a woman. He took WHATEVER he wanted from her, and she readily gave it up. I assume this includes sexual acts. Why didn't she question him? Why, without knowing him very well, did she feel such love for him and was willing to give him anything he asked for/took without a fight? Earlier it also mentions that he asked for the "best of what she had"


    I think there are many reasons behind her lack of questioning. First, he's king and I haven't dealt with many kings (obviously) but it seems difficult to say no to that (not that I think that is right). Also, when you try to please someone or maybe show off, you may try to please them as much as possible. It is so common to want others to like us (especially the opposite sex) that sometimes we give in to please them more than we normally would.

    I think the quote shows the male superiority over the Queen. He got whatever he wanted whenever he pleased. The Queen was only welcomes into his room when he sent for her. It was this power that plays into many historical relationships. The woman is there waiting to pleasure the king at his beck and call. The woman has no voice in the matter and she does not question what is happening
